Daily Run: One of Those

September 16, 2008 at 10:36 am | Posted in Daily Run | 3 Comments

Time of Day: 5:50 AM

Weather: Cool. Moonlight. WONDERFUL.

Duration: 1 hour 2 minutes

Estimated Distance (based on assumed pace of 7:35/mile): 8.18 miles. (Probably more because I was faster today)

Notes: If I didn’t have to go to work today, I might still be outside running. It’s gorgeous outside today, and when I left on my run I was even slightly cold. The chill was invigorating and set me off at a fast pace as my body wanted to warm up quickly.  Yesterday’s day off and the cool weather helped me keep this fast pace, and led to one of those runs–the kind that makes you want to keep going all day and makes you happy to be alive and running before dawn, when all those other suckers are still fast asleep.

The run had to end, of course. I rushed around a bit, knowing I would be a little shorter on time this morning because of a slightly longer run. Hey, even five minutes is a big deal when you’re getting ready for work, right?

So I hated my outfit and had to change. Forgot to make coffee, and had to go back and do that. And of course, spilled blueberries all over the counter. At least the first hour of my day was perfect.

But enough about me: here’s a list of places to donate your old running shoes. Soles4Souls is donating to victims of Hurricane Ike and there are some other great organizations on the list as well.


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  1. I’m glad to see I’m not the only one waking up before 6am to get a good run in. 🙂

  2. I’m jealous.

    Spilled blueberries and all.

  3. I love donating my old sneaks!! i do go through way too many 🙂

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